Flash Pony by Taylor Lymbery
My first real introduction to The Flash was through static on my television screen back in 1990. I would struggle to get the show to come through the rabbit ears to see the excitement of John Wesley Shipp playing Barry Allen, the fastest man alive! The show is very silly at times, but It was always worth sitting through the snow. I've always liked the look of The Flash's costume and like the idea of the Flash's super powers. I have read only a handful of stories that both Barry Allen (Flash I) and Wally West (Flash II) have appeared in. The last story was the Blackest Night series. Before that, it was JLA. Neither one are probably great examples of who The Flash is in his world. Honestly, I really should find some decent stories that feature him. So, needless to say, my knowledge of The Flash is really based on the T.V. series.
When I was making this pony, I had a debate with myself about whether this pony should have a tail or not. I like the idea of Flash pony wanting to streamline his costume in order to be that much faster, but he is a pony, and I couldn't have him without his tail. In the end, I made a compromise. The Flash Pony would tie up his tail into a bob. That way, the tail would not cause drag by loosely hanging behind him. When I did this, I wasn't sure if anyone would get the idea without me having to give background. At the last convention, I found a couple of people who got it without any explanation. I like them. They get me. Now, I've got some important updates, so more pictures will be at the end of this posting. Enjoy the pics. I've got to get back to illustrating comic books! :)
If you have not heard about the Podcast called, "Talking Toys with Taylor and Jeff", then it's time I let you know! Jeff and I are on the show where we talk about toys! (Go figure, I mean Go action figure!) Seems simple enough. We pick out a toy line to discuss in each show. We share our childhood memories, our favorite five, and talk about the one toy in the line that got away. Jeff talks about how he cherished his toys and I talk about how they ended up in the garden! The other two shows are The pilot episode, where Jeff and Josh Taylor break down the Pilot Episode in TV series, and The Loosely Based Podcast where Brynna and Jeff compare the book to the movie adaptation! The shows are great! If you are interested in what we got, go to Marvindogmedia.com and give us a listen. You can subscribe to the shows on itunes and get up to date info on upcoming shows on facebook:
Talking Toys with Taylor and Jeff on facebook
The Loosely Based Podcast on facebook
The Pilot Episode on facebook
Give us a like! And, if you like what we have, be sure to tell your friends! We need your word of mouth to help us keep making shows!
Flash Pony by Taylor Lymbery
Flash Pony by Taylor Lymbery
Flash Pony by Taylor Lymbery
Flash Pony by Taylor Lymbery
Flash Pony by Taylor Lymbery
Flash Pony by Taylor Lymbery
Flash Pony by Taylor Lymbery
I also have this posted in my devianart gallery here.
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