Monday, April 30, 2012

Sketch Card of the Day- Tung Lashor!

Tung Lashor Sketch Card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's deviation is Tung Lashor, the tongue man of the snake men.What can I say about this guy? Well... I don't think this guy is a snake, for starters, and he is an envy of Gene Simmons (due to Tung Lashor's tongue being longer). Ok, that second part isn't true and a bad joke, but I don't actually think he is a snake. I think he is more of a salamander, which seems a little odd with him being a snake man. But who's to complain (except me)? Overall, he's one of those iconic Masters of the Universe characters that people seem to remember the action feature of the tongue jutting in and out, but no one really remembers the name. Some of that may be due to the fact that this figure came out after the cartoon ended, but some of that may also be due to the unusual name spelling: Tung Lashor. Well... C'est la vie.  You can also see this sketch card here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that. I will also open up my colored page line drawings for commissions. Same price as the sketch cards, but I'll have to check on the shipping (due to the difference in size). If you want to see what I mean by colored sheet drawing, go here. If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

The Convention will be May 19th-20th. It will be at the Irving Convention Center that is located at 500 W Las Colinas Blvd. , Irving, TX. Tickets for Saturday will be $25.00 for 11:00am to 7:00pm, and tickets for Sunday will be $20.00 for 11:00am to 4:00pm. If you happen to go to the Convention, stop by and say hi to Rob and I.

 I want to make sure you all have links to the projects and sites that I work on. Here is the listing.

Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop
Unstoppable Force website: Unstoppable Force

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sketch Card of the day- Mekeneck!

Mekaneck Sketch Card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's deviation is Mekaneck. Mekaneck has always stood out in my mind as just plain weird. Not that he is weird because of his robotic neck ability, cause every master and evil warrior on Eternia, Etheria, and Despondos would hence be weirdos, but the logical side of Mek just doesn't work in my opinion. So let me explain. Mekaneck is a human, well Eternian... he's biological. Ok, he's a human life form native to Eternia that we will call a (HLFNE). There. So his power is super vision and a REALLY long telescoping mechanical neck that he uses to spy on the evil henchmen of Skeletor. So, if he is a (HLFNE) with robotic parts in him, like a cyborg, where does he store all of the links in his neck? I just don't think there is enough room in him shared with his guts and all for all of that neck! It just doesn't work! Honestly, I have had WAY too much time to think about this conundrum. It's Eternia: it's fantasy, Tay. Get over it. You can also see this sketch card here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that. I will also open up my colored page line drawings for commissions. Same price as the sketch cards, but I'll have to check on the shipping (due to the difference in size). If you want to see what I mean by colored sheet drawing, go here. If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

The Convention will be May 19th-20th. It will be at the Irving Convention Center that is located at 500 W Las Colinas Blvd. , Irving, TX. Tickets for Saturday will be $25.00 for 11:00am to 7:00pm, and tickets for Sunday will be $20.00 for 11:00am to 4:00pm. If you happen to go to the Convention, stop by and say hi to Rob and I.

 I want to make sure you all have links to the projects and sites that I work on. Here is the listing.

Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop
Unstoppable Force website: Unstoppable Force

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sketch Card of the day- Clawful!

Clawful sketch card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's deviation is Clawful.  Oh Clawful, how rather silly you can be. Poor, poor, Clawful. He has been portrayed a a pathetic dimwit for so long, I'm not sure I could think of him as a cruel crab warrior any more, like I did as a child. Which is sad considering that his 200X design makes him look like a truly gruesome battling brute!  Speaking of that 200X design, this card is based on his appearance in that line. Why? (You ask the best questions, oh great reader!) Well, I don't like black bushy eyebrows on my fishy mutant creations. it worked back in the early 80's on the vintage toy, but is sure doesn't work now on the classics version. 200X is the only design this character should have.  You can also see this sketch card here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that. I will also open up my colored page line drawings for commissions. Same price as the sketch cards, but I'll have to check on the shipping (due to the difference in size). If you want to see what I mean by colored sheet drawing, go here. If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

The Convention will be May 19th-20th. It will be at the Irving Convention Center that is located at 500 W Las Colinas Blvd. , Irving, TX. Tickets for Saturday will be $25.00 for 11:00am to 7:00pm, and tickets for Sunday will be $20.00 for 11:00am to 4:00pm. If you happen to go to the Convention, stop by and say hi to Rob and I.

 I want to make sure you all have links to the projects and sites that I work on. Here is the listing.

Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop
Unstoppable Force website: Unstoppable Force

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dallas Comic Con, Website Debacles and The Sorceress's poor design flaw

So no Daily Deviation today. Sorry folks. Instead, I need to avert your attention to a really big event coming up soon: THE DALLAS COMIC CON. If you are familiar with me and my workings as a newbie, trying to make it as an upcoming illustrator, then you might have seen a trend of me not missing any Dallas Comic Con event for the past couple of years. I will be there at this years event. Rob Payne will be there with me. I'll have the banners up that I used at the Scifi Expo back in February. So, if you remember my booth, that's how you can find us this upcoming event.
Some of the works for sale.

I'm adding a new pin-up girl poster to the prints to sell. I will be selling the clone trooper cowboy print there as well. Rob will have a decent size printing of the Giant Size Unstoppable Force for $6 and I will have a small printing of all three issues of Xenex the Bug Man 1-3. I'll price those at all three and a Xenex 11"X17" print for $10. I'll also have the other 11"X17" prints for $10. I will have some of my original pieces up for sale as well as sketch cards and smaller original pieces. I haven't decided on a price yet for that work.

The Convention will be May 19th-20th. It will be at the Irving Convention Center that is located at 500 W Las Colinas Blvd. , Irving, TX. Tickets for Saturday will be $25.00 for 11:00am to 7:00pm, and tickets for Sunday will be $20.00 for 11:00am to 4:00pm.

If you happen to go to the Convention, stop by and say hi to Rob and I. 

Now, if you have tried to go to my website,, and/or,, you should be seeing error messages. I am trying to consolidate the websites and make a better website. I am having a LOT of troubles with getting the domain names to work correctly, so for the time being, use this blogspot address as my art site for news. Hang in there. In a couple of weeks, I will hopefully have the web stuff taken care of. :)

Now, I recently got a message from a friend and fellow deviantart artist, =Hordaks-Pupil,  about The Sorceress sketch Card that I had posted there. We ended up in a conversation about the Sorceress's design that ended up in a mention to the Classics version action figure that was released on in February. I didn't get her. I ended up getting only Fisto due to money. I went and watched her review by Pixel Danand saw the monstrosity of design for her wing system. Mattel could've designed better. That shoulder peg design was just silly; plain silly. The silliness in that design might as well been a spring loaded action weapon out of Hasbro's GIJoe Rise of Cobra line: oversized and unnecessary. Hopefully, if they release a Sorceress that is in the vain of the 200X design, we won't have this issue. Hopefully.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sketch card of the day- The Sorceress!

The Sorceress Sketch card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's deviation is The Sorceress. OMG! If you thought I had a crush on Teela, you had better think twice! The Sorceress is my girl! I always envisioned my gorgeous wife as The Sorceress and to tell the truth and personally I wouldn't mind making her the costume! For me, my love of The Sorceress came with the 200X version of her. I feel she has an amazing maturity about her in the modern cartoon series as well as a true ability to defend herself that I don't see her having in the original production. Even in the modern comics, seeing her battle Evil Lyn is awe-some! She's tough and wise and I believe her 200X costume reflects that. I missed on the Classics line Sorceress figurine by Mattel holding out to see if I could maybe get a Temple of Darkness one by the end of the year. As much as I love the caracter, I'm not entirely sold. But, if Mattel wants to throw in a Battle field Sorceress that has the look of her 200X design into the Classics line,  know then that I'll be there to get one. You can also see this sketch card here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that. I will also open up my colored page line drawings for commissions. Same price as the sketch cards, but I'll have to check on the shipping (due to the difference in size). If you want to see what I mean by colored sheet drawing, go here. If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

 I want to make sure you all have links to the projects and sites that I work on. Here is the listing.

Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop
Unstoppable Force website: Unstoppable Force

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sketch card of the day-Teela!

Teela Sketch card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's deviation is Teela. Yep, Teela. I'm not sure what else to say that will not incriminate me for basically thinking Teela was EXTREMELY hot, even in the 200X series! But, yeah, Teela. The one thing that I am happy with for the MOTU line is that we did at least get a few women in the series: As far as the vintage figures, we got 3. As far as the 200X, we got 2. And thankfully the Classics line has several, since She-Ra POP was added into the MOTU line and not sold in a separate. Now since there were only a few women in the series, there's not a lot for choice on who He-Man will take to the drive-in (Actual play scenario once. The TV was the giant screen and He-man drove Barbie's Corvette), but you could always count on the hotness of Teela to be there! Well...that is until the Sorceress came along in the line. You can also see this sketch card here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that. I will also open up my colored page line drawings for commissions. Same price as the sketch cards, but I'll have to check on the shipping (due to the difference in size). If you want to see what I mean by colored sheet drawing, go here. If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

 I want to make sure you all have links to the projects and sites that I work on. Here is the listing.

Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop
Unstoppable Force website: Unstoppable Force

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sketch card of the day! -Mantenna!

Mantenna Sketch Card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's deviation is Mantenna. What a weird character! Seriously! When I started this card, I didn't have any reference material. I went based on what I had in my head. For the most part, I think I remembered his basic look, with the exception of his tusks. I had to put that in later, and they didn't scan well. But honestly, what is he? I had a Mantenna when I was young and I still kinda scratched my head as to what he was. I think back then, I just accepted him for what he was. I will have to say, due to the fact that I don't really know any of his background, I am looking forward to what his Classics version bio card will read. I'm also wondering if he will have 4 legs instead of two/two's molded together. Hurm. Who knows? You can also see this sketch card here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that. I will also open up my colored page line drawings for commissions. Same price as the sketch cards, but I'll have to check on the shipping (due to the difference in size). If you want to see what I mean by colored sheet drawing, go here. If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

Just to remind you, there 1 day of voting on my new t-shirt design on threadless. If you have an account and want to show your love by giving the design a vote of 5, go here to see its posting.

 I want to make sure you all have links to the projects and sites that I work on. Here is the listing.

Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop
Unstoppable Force website: Unstoppable Force

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sketch card of the day!- Kobra Khan!

Kobra Khan Sketch Card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's deviation is Kobra Khan. Kobra Khan, you steal my heart! This is one of those characters that was the best of MOTU story telling. He was employed by Skeletor and sent to spy on King Hsss in one saga, and employed by Skeletor only to gain access to snake mountain to bring King Hsss back from the abyss in the other story. There is so much you can do with him! I recently got both a vintage Khan and a Classics Khan. I adore both very much. Now only if I could get my hands on a complete 200X figurine... You can also see this sketch card here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that. I will also open up my colored page line drawings for commissions. Same price as the sketch cards, but I'll have to check on the shipping (due to the difference in size). If you want to see what I mean by colored sheet drawing, go here. If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

Just to remind you, there 1 day of voting on my new t-shirt design on threadless. If you have an account and want to show your love by giving the design a vote of 5, go here to see its posting.

 I want to make sure you all have links to the projects and sites that I work on. Here is the listing.

Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop
Unstoppable Force website: Unstoppable Force

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sketch card of the day!- Tri-Klops!

Tri-Klops Sketch Card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's deviation is Tri-klops. When I was young, I never had Tri-Klops. It's quite sad really, he is a great character. This card is based off of his 200X look.  I know that there is debate about ole' Tri being an inventor in the 200X series, but I actually like that extra aspect thrown into him. I just recently ordered a Tri-klops Classic figure, and I can guarantee I will keep that character portrayal there. You can also see this sketch card here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that. I will also open up my colored page line drawings for commissions. Same price as the sketch cards, but I'll have to check on the shipping (due to the difference in size). If you want to see what I mean by colored sheet drawing, go here. If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

Just to remind you, there  are only more days of voting on my new t-shirt design on threadless. If you have an account and want to show your love by giving the design a vote of 5, go here to see its posting.
If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

 I want to make sure you all have links to the projects and sites that I work on. Here is the listing.

Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sketch card of the day!- Leech!

Leech Sketch Card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's deviation is the Evil Horde's Leech. Growing up, I was a big fan of Leech. He's still pretty cool today, but doesn't have the same favouritism toward him as in the day. I will have to say though, the Classics version of him is amazing, despite the weird waste and the skinny legs and arms. You can also see this sketch card here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that.

If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

 I want to make sure you all have links to the projects and sites that I work on. Here is the listing.

Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sketch card of the day!- Count Marzo!

Count Marzo sketch card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's daily deviation is Count Marzo! You might remember him from the original series cartoon, but this version is based on the 200X series character! If you want to see him on deviantart, go here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that.

If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

So links:
Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sketch card of the day!- Stratos!

Stratos Sketch Card by Taylor Lymbery
And the daily sketch card is... Stratos! Growing up, I was not that big of a fan of Stratos, but I have definitely grown to like him very much due to the 200X series. This sketch card of him is the 200X interpretation and in my opinion, the best design of him. I have him posted here on deviantart.

Just to remind you, I have 5 more days of voting on my new t-shirt design on threadless. If you have an account and want to show your love by giving the design a vote of 5, go here to see its posting.

Also, I will have a table at the upcoming Dallas Comic Con May 19th-20th. Both Rob Payne and I will be there at the table promoting The Unstoppable Force and Xenex the Bug Man! If you are at the show, stop by, say hello, and show your love by picking up one of our comics!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sketch card of the day!- Buzz Off and King Hsss!

Buzz-Off by Taylor Lymbery
King Hsss by Taylor Lymbery
I have a bunch of Sketch cards that I have done and need to post them. I did not get around to posting my first one from my batch of Masters of the Universe, so you get a double dosing of MOTU sketch card awesomeness! I have them posted on deviantart here and here.

Smuggler and His First Mate by Taylor Lymbery
Also, I have a new T-shirt design up for voting for the next 7 days. It's called, " Smuggler and his First Mate". Show your love by voting a 5 on it!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Opening a shop for tee designs gone awry!

Here is a screen cap of some of the items in store.
As I looked at the numbers for the scoring of the last design I submitted over to threadless, I didn't get the idea that the shirt designs I had submitted really fit the scene there. I know that there have been a few friends and fans that have expressed their desire to have their hands on a "A Flock of Smeagol" shirt or the "Our First Catch of the Day" shirt. So to remedy the unavailability of these shirts, I opened a shop for them on I've been buying shirts from them recently, and their quality has gotten really good. So the shirts are well worth it. And, If you have gotten any of the Xenex inspired items from the Xenex cafepress shop, you'll know how nice they are. Without further ado, I present the Taylor Lymbery Pop Parody Art Shop!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Xenex Coloring Contest

Format this sheet to fit a 8.5" X 11" paper
Alright Xenex fans! Here's your chance to enter into the Xenex the Bug Man coloring sheet contest. I ran this a little at a Mini A-Kon and want to branch out. How do you enter? Well, download the picture, color it, ink it, digitally color it, paint it, or whatever you want to make Xenex awesome! Then, follow the instructions on the sheet. If you want others to participate, send the sheets to them. You know, post it on your facebook page, link back to this post, etc. I am working on a prize now, and it will be a one of a kind collectible, so keep your eyes on the site to see what. I will also be working on a few other awards too. I will be carrying the contest to June 1st, 2012. No entries will be accepted after 1:00 AM est on June 2. I will have a few sheets to hand out at the Dallas Comic on May 19th and the 20th. I won't reprint more, so... Also, all entries will be featured on the Xenex the Bug Man facebook page. Keep in mind that your age, skill and creativity will factor into the judging for these coloring sheets. Please, don't get discouraged and not send in a sheet. Just have fun!