Oh, The Sorceress! Oh how you steal my heart! I'm a big fan of the Sorceress. After the 200X MYP cartoon of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, I have been in love. She's tough, wise and beautiful, just like my tough, wise and beautiful wife! Seriously! She is. I'm not kidding. The Sorceress is the protector of Castle Grayskull. She has a lot of back story throughout the various cartoon series, so I'm not going to go through all of it. I might touch on those biographies when I do large scale pieces of her in those various forms. Here is her biography from the new Masters of the Universe Classics toy line:
Growing up in a small Eternian village, Teela’na helped defend her people from a Horde Scout ship that had discovered her planet on a magic locating mission. Recognized for her loyalty, courage and wisdom, the current aging Sorceress® chose Teela’na to take up her title and defend Castle Grayskull’s secrets for the next generation. During her reign as Sorceress®, Teela’na not only cast the spell to clone the Sword of He, she was also cloned herself by Skeletor® who desired a magic-wielding bride to pass on his legacy. With the help of Man-At-Arms®, Teela’na saved the cloned child. And it was through her undying love and devotion to this baby girl that Teela'na gave her up to Man-At-Arms®, awaiting the day when her daughter would become the new Sorceress® and Guardian of Castle Grayskull's secrets.
All throughout the month of Movember, I'll be growing a mustache to raise awareness of prostate cancer and I'll be taking donations for the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Do you want to donate?! Head on over to my Movember page to see photos of me struggling to make a blonde mustache show and to donate!
The long awaited issue 4 is now up for order. It's a great looking comic book! Head on over to the Bug Man site and see what I'm talking about!
Just to let you know all know, I am taking commissions. If you would like to commission me for original artwork, head over to the commissions tab in store to see how.
If you have not heard about the Podcast called, "Talking Toys with Taylor and Jeff", then it's time I let you know! Jeff and I are on the show where we talk about toys! (Go figure, I mean Go action figure!) Seems simple enough. We pick out a toy line to discuss in each show. We share our childhood memories, our favorite five, and talk about the one toy in the line that got away. Jeff talks about how he cherished his toys and I talk about how they ended up in the garden! The other two shows are The pilot episode, where Jeff and Josh Taylor break down the Pilot Episode in TV series, and The Loosely Based Podcast where Brynna and Jeff compare the book to the movie adaptation! The shows are great! If you are interested in what we got, go to Marvindogmedia.com and give us a listen. You can subscribe to the shows on itunes and get up to date info on upcoming shows on facebook:
Talking Toys with Taylor and Jeff on facebook
The Loosely Based Podcast on facebook
The Pilot Episode on facebook
Give us a like! And, if you like what we have, be sure to tell your friends! We need your word of mouth to help us keep making shows!
Talking Toys with Taylor and Jeff on facebook
The Loosely Based Podcast on facebook
The Pilot Episode on facebook
Give us a like! And, if you like what we have, be sure to tell your friends! We need your word of mouth to help us keep making shows!
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