Friday, December 28, 2012

Action Figure Friday- MOTU Classics- Snout Spout!

One of my presents this year was the ever awesome Snout Spout from the Masters of the Universe Classics toy line! I have to admit, I really like him! I have my complaints about him, but I love his design. Now Snout Spout has a basic male buck from the line. This time, he has all new forearms and boots sculpts. His hands are new as well match his gloves. His loin cloth/tights are made of that very rubbery plastic. I do wish that there was a bit more rigidity to this plastic. I feel that it is too rubbery. The other thing that I have noticed is that his feet do not move too well at the ankle joint to his boots. Some of the sculpt gets in the way. Snout Spout comes with two accessories, an axe and a "jaws of life" claw. I like how the claw has an elephant face sculpted into the design. That is a very nice touch. I do have a bit of a problem with the axe. In the original vintage release of the axe, it had a handle about mid way down for the action figure to hold on to. In some ways, I wish mattel would have added that handle back. My axe continually slides down in ole' Spout's hands. As far as this action figures uniform, he does come with removable armor and backpack and a removable head. Ok, so his head. The trunk is bendable. Over the plastic/rubber that was used to make the truck is a matte grey paint. When you bend the trunk, the paint seems to squish. So far I've not seen any areas where the paint has broken, but this should be a word of warning to make sure that you take heed when you are posing this guy. Even with all of the little quirks that are enough to make me complain about it, overall, I really like this guy. I had a vintage version of him from back in the day, and I kind of wish I still had him. This version is not as overly technological as the 200X version was, but it is a nice update to the vintage. If you like this guy, and I mean, really like him, this version is a nice addition to any Masters of the Universe line. 

Just to let you know all know, I am taking commissions. If you would like to commission me for original artwork, head over to the commissions tab in store to see how. 

The long awaited issue 4 of Xenex the Bug Man is now up for order. It's a great looking comic book! Head on over to the Bug Man site and see what I'm talking about!

If you have not heard about the Podcast called, "Talking Toys with Taylor and Jeff", then it's time I let you know! Jeff and I are on the show where we talk about toys! (Go figure, I mean Go action figure!) Seems simple enough. We pick out a toy line to discuss in each show. We share our childhood memories, our favorite five, and talk about the one toy in the line that got away. Jeff talks about how he cherished his toys and I talk about how they ended up in the garden! The other two shows are The pilot episode, where Jeff and Josh Taylor break down the Pilot Episode in TV series, and The Loosely Based Podcast where Brynna and Jeff compare the book to the movie adaptation! The shows are great! If you are interested in what we got, go to  and give us a listen. You can subscribe to the shows on itunes and get up to date info on upcoming shows on facebook:
Talking Toys with Taylor and Jeff on facebook
The Loosely Based Podcast on facebook
The Pilot Episode on facebook

Give us a like! And, if you like what we have, be sure to tell your friends! We need your word of mouth to help us keep making shows!

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