I'm working toward a new goal in my life to continue carrying art education outside of the classroom. I'm starting an after school program here in my city of Denton, Texas. It's called, "Taylor Made Studios". This is something I've been wanting to do for a while and here recently I have a good block of time to do it. Here is the flyer for those who are interested in more info or bookings.
I have been invited to be a part of a great new show that has just started back in May. It is "The Limited Edition Art Show" that is held at "The Lost Toys" toy shop in Dallas, Texas! It had a great show start using Star Wars as a jumping point in May. Now it's back and this show carries the theme of Masters of the Universe! Once, ArtBot138 asked me if I wanted to be in the show, I didn't hesitate to respond back with the happiest yes that I could muster without breaking my phone in excitement! If you are familiar with me, you already know my love for Masters of the Universe! There is an awesome artist line up and from what I have seen on "The Limited Edition Art Show"'s instagram page, there will be some awesome pieces up for grabs! The show will be at the Lost Toys toyshop near I-35 and Mockingbird at 1451 Empire Central, Suite 700, 5:30-9:00pm, Friday July 14th 2017. Don't miss out on the MOTU greatness! Here are some progress pics of my Monster High Customs that will be at the show.
By now you should know that I am on a podcast called, "Talking Toys with Taylor and Jeff" on Marvindogmedia! We have just had our 5 year anniversary for the show and we will continue on for many more. Listen and enjoy our catalog of shows where we talk over many different toy lines from the past! If you want to jump into the discussion visit our facebook page. If you'd like to be a backer, visit our patreon page to help out!