Monday, April 16, 2012

Sketch card of the day!- Count Marzo!

Count Marzo sketch card by Taylor Lymbery
Today's daily deviation is Count Marzo! You might remember him from the original series cartoon, but this version is based on the 200X series character! If you want to see him on deviantart, go here.

Now, I'm going to have a bunch of these sketch cards available at the Dallas Comic Con. I'll be selling them for $10. I am also opening commissions of sketch cards. They will also be $10 + shipping and handling which will be $6 in the continental United States of America. I'll have to get a quote for any territories outside of that.

If you want a sketch card, send me an e-mail to Name your character and we will go from there.

So links:
Here's what I have:
Twitter: Barnlord
Deviantart: Barnlord
Cafepress art shop: Taylor Lymbery's Pop Parody art Shop
About Me page: Taylor Lymbery
Xenex Website:
Xenex on Facebook: Xenex's faceybook
Xenex Cafepress art shop: Xenex the Bug Man shop

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